“Tôi liên tục được thăng chức và được trả lương cao hơn nhờ làm việc chăm chỉ. Hiện tôi đã có đất, ô tô riêng và trở thành tấm gương cho lớp trẻ trong gia đình”.
Coming from Kumasi City, Ashanti Region, Ghana, Kuffour joined KEDA (Ghana) Ceramics Factory on October 27th, 2017. He has studied and improved from his initial position as a procurement specialist, to later a business specialist and a supervisor. He is now kèo bet88 Assistant Business Manager of kèo bet88 company.

▲ Kuffour (thứ hai từ phải sang) và Wei LI, Tổng Giám đốc Nhà máy Gốm sứ kèo bet88 (Ghana)
Kuffour's job responsibilities are quite diverse, ranging from land purchase and registration, application for raw material mining right registration, to kèo bet88 application for construction permit and operating license, as well as application for environmental protection, fire protection and investment promotion centers, standard certification, intellectual property and legal issues related to kèo bet88 government.
Ông đã mua tổng diện tích đất là 327,22 mẫu Anh cho công ty và đăng ký 20 giấy chứng nhận quyền khai thác nguyên liệu thô với Hội đồng khai thác mỏ. Trong số đó, 9 dự án đã được Cơ quan Bảo vệ Môi trường, Hội đồng Khai thác mỏ và Bộ Đất đai và Tài nguyên phê duyệt, cung cấp đủ nguyên liệu thô cho sự phát triển trong tương lai của công ty.
Hơn nữa, Kuffour đã giúp công ty được đăng ký thành công là doanh nghiệp “một nhà máy trong một khu vực”, mang lại cho công ty những ưu đãi về thuế. Chứng nhận sở hữu trí tuệ đã bảo vệ kiểu dáng sản phẩm của công ty.
“I have learned a lot of new knowledge and skills during kèo bet88 years of work, which have really broadened my horizons.” Kuffour stated that he has maintained good relationships with institutions such as kèo bet88 Ministry of Trade and Industry, kèo bet88 Ministry of Finance, kèo bet88 Commission for Tradition, kèo bet88 High Court, kèo bet88 Ghana Police Department, kèo bet88 Land Commission, kèo bet88 Intellectual Property Office and kèo bet88 Ghana Standards Authority. He has become good friends with many people, which is very rewarding.
Kuffour's efforts have been recognized by company leaders kèo bet88 colleagues. He has won multiple awards including 2019 kèo bet88 2020 Excellent Employee Award, kèo bet88 2021 Advanced Employee Award.
“Kuffour has several advantages: firstly, he can consider kèo bet88 solution and deal with things from kèo bet88 view of company; secondly, he has an in-depth understanding of kèo bet88 company's philosophy with a deep and comprehensive consideration when providing decision-making support and handling relationships; thirdly, he has strong learning ability and sense of drive to improve himself.” Wei LI, General Manager of Koda (Ghana) Ceramic Factory, said. He has highly praised Kuffour’s successful coordination with all parties, which has enabled kèo bet88 company to purchase kèo bet88 land of 80 acre required for kèo bet88 expansion.
When it comes to "self-improvement", Kuffour’s fellow countryman, Kofi Annan, kèo bet88 7th Secretary-General of kèo bet88 United Nations, has ever said, "Let us remember that each dedication, no matter how small, can help make a difference." If kèo bet88 word 'dedication' in kèo bet88 sentence above is changed to 'effort', it can effectively summarize Kuffour's features.
Kuffour participated in kèo bet88 Chinese training organized by kèo bet88 company and obtained a certificate from kèo bet88 Confucius Institute at kèo bet88 University of Cape Coast in Ghana in 2018. He is currently enrolled in kèo bet88 Law School of Wisconsin International University College and kèo bet88 School of Surveying at kèo bet88 Ghana Institute of Surveyors. KEDA (Ghana) Ceramics Factory sponsored 80% of his tuition fees.

▲ Kuffour đã tìm được đối tác trong công ty và bắt đầu một gia đình hạnh phúc
Through kèo bet88 job opportunities offered by KEDA and Kuffour's own efforts, his life has been improved greatly. He has met his current wife, formed a happy small family in Tacoradi, and their children have also been born.
"I am thankful to kèo bet88 company and General Manager Wei LI, who always help me overcome difficulties and get constant improvement. I hope to continue to leverage my expertise and serve kèo bet88 company for a long time." Kuffour said.