Our Founder

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Contact Dennis

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Dennis Concordia, Founder and Chief Strategist is one of the first twenty today's football betting certified "CHRE", Certified Human Resources Executive designated across Canada in 2009 by the Human Resources Professionals Association, HRPA. This designation reflects the experience and depth of knowledge that Dennis represents in all matters relating to people, organizational development and performance management.

Dennis has football betting tips today served a variety of organizations both large and small and is known as a subject matter expert in family business succession planning. In 2023 Dennis was recognized as a leader in his community when he received the Order of Hamilton.

The formula for business success.

Dennis has had the pleasure to meet, work with, and share thoughts on best management practices with John Spence.

best football betting apps John is recognized as one of the top business thought leaders and leadership development experts in the world and was named by the American Management Association as one of America’s Top 50 Leaders to Watch. As a consultant and coach to organizations worldwide, from startups to the Fortune 10, John is dedicated to helping people and businesses to be more successful football betting tips today by “Making the Very Complex... Awesomely Simple.”

The Formula

Talent + Culture X Extreme Customer Focus X Disciplined Execution = SUCCESS!(T + C X ECF X DE = Success)

Dennis Concordia with John Spence

A testimonial from John.

“Dennis is extremely talented, passionate about business and most importantly focused on helping his client be successful. I know directly from my work with Dennis that online football betting he does something not a lot of consultants or coaches do is that - he gets things done!”

Contact Dennis.

Although Dennis is semi-retired and has transitioned the business over to his successor, Jake Dejong, he is still available for business consultations, speaking engagements & endorsements.

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(905) 512-0833

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